Boston Luxury Condos and Apartments
355 Boylston St / (617) 233-5800


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Boston Waterfront - Real Estate and Restaurants

Boston's Waterfront, located in the North End, is one of the cities most desirable and pricey neighborhoods. Perfect for buyers who work and play in the Financial District. The Waterfront is known for its views of the Harbor as well as its historic Sail Loft Buildings which have now been transformed into brick and beam residences. 

Waterfront Restaurants:
Mike's Pastry - Incredible bakery on historic Hanover St.
Modern Pastry - Another delicious and local favorite bakery on Hanover St.
Legal Seafood - Just as the name states, local seafood chain.
Tias Bar and Restaurant - Local Seafood and Bahhhh located in the Long Wharf Marriot Hotel.

Waterfront Stats

Properties sold
in the last 30 days


-31% over previous 30 days

  • For Sale
  • For Rent
New in the
last 30 days


+117% over previous 30 days

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Buildings in Waterfront

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