2 Avery Street #34F
Midtown - Boston, MA ID #71259872
2 Avery Street #34F
Midtown - Boston, MA ID #71259872
This listing has been rented.
Property Description
Ritz-Carlton! High floor home located in the South Building! Panoramic views of Boston Common, Beacon Hill, and Charles River. Over 880sqft, 1 bedroom, 1.5 luxury marble baths. Includes 1 valet garage parking space. Direct elevator access to Sports Club/LA, hotel lobby, and restuarants.
Additional Details
- Status: RNT
- Type: Rental, Condominium
- Area: Midtown
- Zip Code: 02111
- Unit Level: 34
- Garage Capacity: 1
- Parking Spaces: 1
![Ritz Carlton Boston Condos](https://www.luxuryboston.com/images/custom/lb_condos/1462_photo.jpg)
Building Info
Ritz Carlton Boston Condos
Type: Building
Neighborhood: Midtown
City: Boston, Massachusetts
for sale
(10)10 Units for sale
Average asking price: $1,412/sqft
Unit Price Beds/Baths Sqft Price/Sqft Maint 30EF $10,000,000 5 / 5 4130 $2,421/ft $7,223 19E $3,999,999 4 / 3.5 3246 $1,232/ft $5,308 PH1F $3,145,000 3 / 3 2179 $1,443/ft $4,563 29A $2,950,000 2 / 2.5 2242 $1,316/ft $4,178 18E $2,595,000 3 / 3.5 2344 $1,107/ft $4,069 19D $2,375,000 2 / 2.5 2036 $1,167/ft $3,538 20H $1,990,000 2 / 2.5 1573 $1,265/ft $2,360 10G $1,399,000 2 / 2.5 1402 $998/ft $2,265 23B $1,299,999 2 / 2 1032 $1,260/ft $1,764 401 $875,000 2 / 2 1509 $580/ft $2,558 -
for rent
(4) -
(3)Unit Price Beds/Baths Sqft Price/Sqft Maint 29D $2,575,000 3 / 2.5 2036 $1,265/ft $3,562 30D $2,200,000 2 / 2.5 1596 $1,378/ft $3,228 PH 1A $1,199,500 1 / 1.5 799 $1,501/ft $1,543 -
rented (212)Unit Price Beds/Baths Sqft Price/Sqft Maint 31E-F $6,700,000 4 / 5.5 4130 $1,622/ft $5,330 19E $4,100,000 4 / 3.5 3263 $1,257/ft $3,861 29C $4,150,000 3 / 3.5 2707 $1,533/ft $4,986 27B $4,175,000 3 / 4.5 2667 $1,565/ft $3,804 28B $4,000,000 3 / 3.5 2667 $1,500/ft $3,830 35C $3,600,000 3 / 3.5 2707 $1,330/ft $4,311 28C $3,550,000 3 / 3.5 2707 $1,311/ft $3,442 23C $3,325,000 3 / 3.5 2707 $1,228/ft $4,147 28B $3,162,500 3 / 4.5 2667 $1,186/ft $3,456 22B $2,825,000 3 / 4.5 2667 $1,059/ft $3,153 19B $2,800,000 3 / 3.5 2667 $1,050/ft $3,777 23A $2,525,000 3 / 3.5 2242 $1,126/ft $2,856 31D $2,500,000 2 / 2.5 2036 $1,228/ft $3,865 PH1D $2,320,000 2 / 2.5 2036 $1,139/ft $2,989 17C $2,350,000 3 / 3 2703 $869/ft $3,795 19A $2,210,000 3 / 3.5 2242 $986/ft $2,770 22A $2,280,000 3 / 3.5 2242 $1,017/ft $2,898 29D $2,100,000 2 / 2.5 1596 $1,316/ft $2,502 19A $2,050,000 3 / 3.5 2242 $914/ft $2,658 25D $2,000,000 2 / 2.5 1596 $1,253/ft $2,390 31D $1,825,000 2 / 2.5 2036 $896/ft $3,000 22H $1,900,000 2 / 2.5 1573 $1,208/ft $2,070 10B $1,800,000 3 / 3 1675 $1,075/ft $2,412 22C $1,875,000 2 / 2.5 1504 $1,247/ft $1,947 17A $1,750,000 2 / 2 1429 $1,225/ft $1,893 30C $1,650,000 2 / 2.5 1504 $1,097/ft $2,828 #35C $1,615,000 2 / 2.5 1504 $1,074/ft $2,620 22H $1,678,000 2 / 2.5 1573 $1,067/ft $2,404 29H $1,500,000 2 / 2.5 1661 $903/ft $2,560 17A $1,485,000 2 / 2 1429 $1,039/ft $1,652 23B $1,350,000 2 / 2 1032 $1,308/ft $1,378 33B $1,260,000 2 / 2 1032 $1,221/ft $1,851 18A $1,260,000 2 / 2.5 1511 $834/ft $1,789 23B $1,220,000 2 / 2 1032 $1,182/ft $1,547 10B $1,085,000 3 / 3 1675 $648/ft $1,778 10A $1,200,000 2 / 2 1382 $868/ft $1,698 906 $1,166,500 2 / 2 1240 $941/ft $2,759 17A $1,125,000 2 / 2 1429 $787/ft $1,555 34F $1,005,000 1 / 1.5 884 $1,137/ft $1,200 32A $979,000 1 / 1.5 803 $1,219/ft $1,058 604 $950,000 2 / 3 1748 $543/ft $3,229 21A $977,000 1 / 1.5 803 $1,217/ft $1,333 24A $970,000 1 / 1.5 803 $1,208/ft $1,317 304 $810,000 3 / 3 1748 $463/ft $3,228 16D $850,000 2 / 2 1131 $752/ft $1,235 705 $850,000 2 / 2 1268 $670/ft $1,900 506 $810,000 1 / 2 1285 $630/ft $2,339 11E $770,000 1 / 1 644 $1,196/ft $971 905 $780,000 2 / 2 1245 $627/ft $1,821 401 $650,000 2 / 2 1509 $431/ft $2,283 901 $660,000 2 / 2 1229 $537/ft $2,075 12C $635,000 1 / 1.5 754 $842/ft $837 703 $600,000 1 / 1.5 965 $622/ft $1,900 403 $570,000 1 / 1.5 968 $589/ft $1,651 607 $592,000 1 / 2 1067 $555/ft $1,871 808 $585,000 1 / 2 1085 $539/ft $1,619 907 $505,000 1 / 1 704 $717/ft $900 402 $413,000 1 / 1 801 $516/ft $1,070 PH2B $32,500 3 / 3.5 4300 $8/ft -- PH2B $25,000 3 / 4.5 2971 $8/ft -- PH-3A $29,500 4 / 4 4416 $7/ft -- PH3C $27,500 4 / 3.5 4663 $6/ft -- PH3C $19,000 3 / 3.5 4663 $4/ft -- 27C $20,000 3 / 3.5 2707 $7/ft -- PH2B $15,000 3 / 3.5 4300 $3/ft -- PH3C $17,500 3 / 3.5 4663 $4/ft -- 29C $15,000 3 / 3.5 2707 $6/ft -- 33A $14,000 3 / 3.5 2242 $6/ft -- 23C $12,500 3 / 3.5 2707 $5/ft -- 35D $10,000 2 / 2.5 1596 $6/ft -- 35H $10,000 2 / 2.5 1573 $6/ft -- 20 A $9,750 3 / 3.5 2242 $4/ft -- 10B $9,200 3 / 3 1675 $5/ft -- 31D $9,200 2 / 2.5 1596 $6/ft -- 10B $8,900 3 / 3 1675 $5/ft -- 27D $8,750 2 / 2.5 1596 $5/ft -- 29D $8,700 2 / 2.5 1602 $5/ft -- 26D $8,000 2 / 2.5 1596 $5/ft -- 10B $8,250 3 / 3 1675 $5/ft -- 28D $8,500 2 / 2.5 1596 $5/ft -- PH1C $8,000 2 / 2.5 1504 $5/ft -- 10B $8,250 3 / 3 1675 $5/ft -- 10B $8,000 3 / 3 1675 $5/ft -- 408 $7,500 2 / 3 1404 $5/ft -- 10B $7,700 3 / 3 1675 $5/ft -- 33H $7,700 2 / 2.5 1600 $5/ft -- 408 $8,200 2 / 3 1404 $6/ft -- 3-408 $7,850 2 / 3 1404 $6/ft -- 408 $7,500 2 / 3 1404 $5/ft -- 408 $7,700 2 / 3 1404 $5/ft -- 26D $7,000 2 / 2.5 1596 $4/ft -- 18A $7,250 2 / 2.5 1511 $5/ft -- 19C $7,500 2 / 2.5 1504 $5/ft -- 28D $7,500 2 / 2.5 1596 $5/ft -- 408 $7,500 2 / 3 1404 $5/ft -- 33H $7,200 2 / 2.5 1573 $5/ft -- 36G $6,500 2 / 2 1257 $5/ft -- 36G $7,500 2 / 2 1257 $6/ft -- 408 $7,250 2 / 3 1404 $5/ft -- 31H $7,200 2 / 2.5 1573 $5/ft -- 36B $7,000 2 / 2 1032 $7/ft -- 408 $7,280 2 / 3 1404 $5/ft -- 18A $7,500 2 / 2.5 1511 $5/ft -- 408 $6,850 2 / 3 1404 $5/ft -- 35G $6,500 2 / 2 1256 $5/ft -- 20C $6,500 2 / 2.5 1500 $4/ft -- 29D $6,500 2 / 2.5 1602 $4/ft -- 20G $6,500 2 / 2 1257 $5/ft -- 14A $7,000 2 / 2.5 1488 $5/ft -- 26B $6,000 2 / 2 1032 $6/ft -- 26B $6,300 2 / 2 1032 $6/ft -- 21G $6,000 2 / 2 1257 $5/ft -- 31H $5,650 2 / 2.5 1573 $4/ft -- 905 $6,500 2 / 2 1245 $5/ft -- 16G $6,000 2 / 2.5 1402 $4/ft -- 36B $6,000 2 / 2 1045 $6/ft -- 605 $6,000 2 / 2 1270 $5/ft -- 308 $6,000 2 / 3 1343 $4/ft -- 21B $6,000 2 / 2 1032 $6/ft -- 404 $6,000 2 / 3 1748 $3/ft -- 308 $6,000 2 / 3 1343 $4/ft -- 30B $6,000 2 / 2 1032 $6/ft -- 12G $5,975 2 / 2.5 1402 $4/ft -- 809 $5,950 2 / 2 1357 $4/ft -- 22H $5,500 2 / 2.5 1573 $3/ft -- 701 $5,000 2 / 2 1460 $3/ft -- 11G $5,750 2 / 2.5 1402 $4/ft -- 17F $5,750 1 / 2 1087 $5/ft -- 308 $5,550 2 / 3 1343 $4/ft -- 501 $5,600 2 / 2 1509 $4/ft -- 806 $5,500 2 / 2 1276 $4/ft -- 606 $5,600 2 / 2 1276 $4/ft -- 21B $5,500 2 / 2 1032 $5/ft -- 26B $5,100 2 / 2 1032 $5/ft -- 504 $5,500 2 / 3 1748 $3/ft -- 16D $5,500 2 / 2 1131 $5/ft -- 12F $5,500 2 / 2 1095 $5/ft -- 308 $5,500 2 / 3 1343 $4/ft -- - 17H $5,300 2 / 2.5 1572 $3/ft -- 15 A $5,400 2 / 2 1460 $4/ft -- 15G $5,270 2 / 2.5 1402 $4/ft -- 21B $5,250 2 / 2 1032 $5/ft -- 606 $5,200 2 / 2 1276 $4/ft -- 407 $5,000 2 / 2 1075 $5/ft -- 606 $5,000 2 / 2 1276 $4/ft -- 30F $5,000 1 / 1.5 894 $6/ft -- 509 $4,900 1 / 1.5 1060 $5/ft -- 604 $5,000 2 / 3 1764 $3/ft -- 701 $4,900 2 / 2 1560 $3/ft -- 35F $4,900 1 / 1.5 884 $6/ft -- 308 $4,900 2 / 3 1343 $4/ft -- 23A $4,800 1 / 1.5 803 $6/ft -- 404 $4,800 2 / 3 1748 $3/ft -- 23F $4,500 1 / 1.5 884 $5/ft -- 606 $4,900 2 / 2 1276 $4/ft -- 34F $4,800 1 / 1.5 884 $5/ft -- 30F $5,000 1 / 1.5 884 $6/ft -- 308 $4,750 2 / 3 1343 $4/ft -- 32A $4,700 1 / 1.5 803 $6/ft -- 32A $4,600 1 / 1.5 803 $6/ft -- 401 $4,695 2 / 2 1509 $3/ft -- 30A $4,500 1 / 1.5 803 $6/ft -- 27A $4,300 1 / 1.5 803 $5/ft -- 22A $4,600 1 / 1.5 803 $6/ft -- 22A $4,400 1 / 1.5 803 $5/ft -- 21A $4,500 1 / 1.5 803 $6/ft -- 507 $4,500 1 / 2 1078 $4/ft -- 34F $4,400 1 / 1.5 884 $5/ft -- 901 $4,500 1 / 2 1229 $4/ft -- 30F $4,500 1 / 1.5 884 $5/ft -- 28A $4,500 1 / 1.5 803 $6/ft -- PH1A $4,250 1 / 1.5 803 $5/ft -- 18F $4,500 1 / 2 1087 $4/ft -- 507 $4,300 1 / 2 1078 $4/ft -- 15C $4,200 1 / 1.5 750 $6/ft -- 309 $5,500 1 / 1.5 1059 $5/ft -- 32A $4,300 1 / 1.5 803 $5/ft -- 12D $4,000 2 / 2 1124 $4/ft -- 16C $4,250 1 / 1.5 754 $6/ft -- 507 $4,250 1 / 2 1067 $4/ft -- 14C $4,000 1 / 1.5 754 $5/ft -- 35F $4,200 1 / 1.5 884 $5/ft -- 27A $4,100 1 / 1.5 803 $5/ft -- 14C $4,100 1 / 1.5 754 $5/ft -- 27A $3,900 1 / 1.5 803 $5/ft -- 30F $3,875 1 / 1.5 894 $4/ft -- 27F $4,000 1 / 1.5 884 $5/ft -- 706 $4,000 1 / 2 1276 $3/ft -- 16E $4,000 1 / 1 644 $6/ft -- 23F $4,000 1 / 1.5 884 $5/ft -- 703 $4,000 1 / 1.5 965 $4/ft -- 18F $3,500 1 / 2 1087 $3/ft -- 10E $3,900 1 / 1 643 $6/ft -- 14E $3,800 1 / 1 643 $6/ft -- 307 $3,800 1 / 2 998 $4/ft -- 609 $3,500 1 / 1.5 1059 $3/ft -- 307 $3,500 1 / 2 998 $4/ft -- 803 $3,575 1 / 1.5 1000 $4/ft -- 602 $3,500 1 / 1 801 $4/ft -- 702 $3,700 1 / 1 801 $5/ft -- 10E $3,500 1 / 1 643 $5/ft -- 307 $3,500 1 / 1.5 998 $4/ft -- 309 $3,500 1 / 1.5 1100 $3/ft -- 803 $3,300 1 / 1.5 1000 $3/ft -- 709 $3,000 1 / 1.5 1059 $3/ft -- 14C $3,000 1 / 1.5 751 $4/ft -- 16C $3,000 1 / 1.5 754 $4/ft -- 303 $3,100 1 / 1.5 967 $3/ft -- 902 $3,450 1 / 1 801 $4/ft -- 609 $3,000 1 / 1.5 1059 $3/ft -- 25A $2,950 1 / 1.5 804 $4/ft -- 303 $2,700 1 / 1.5 967 $3/ft --
Get DirectionsLuxury Condo Buildings
- 10 Farnsworth Street
- 100 Shawmut South End
- 150 West Broadway
- 1515 Commonwealth
- 180 Beacon Street
- 210 South Lofts
- 244 Central Ave Medford
- 25 Beacon
- 285 Columbus Lofts
- 319 A Street Lofts
- 360 Newbury St
- 39 A Street
- 45 Province Street
- 50 Liberty Seaport
- 55 India Condominiums
- 584 East Third
- 77 Court Condos
- 88 Wareham
- 99 Tremont Oak Square
- Allele Lofts
- Alloy Condos
- Archer Beacon Hill
- Atelier 505
- Battery Wharf
- Belvedere
- Bradley Mansion
- Brio Hingham Shipyard
- Bryant Back bay
- Burroughs Wharf
- Cadence on Leo
- Canal Park Cambridge
- Charlesgate East
- Completed Transactions
- Court Square Press Lofts
- Ebo Condos
- Echelon Seaport Boston
- Folio
- Forecaster 121
- Four Seasons
- Four Seasons One Dalton
- FP3 Lofts
- Grandview
- Harbor Towers
- Heritage
- Ink Block
- Intercontinental
- Jordan Lofts South End
- Kenmore Tower
- Laconia Lofts
- Le Jardin
- Lewis Wharf
- Longwood Towers
- Lovejoy Wharf Condominiums
- Lumen Charlestown
- Macallen Building
- Maison Vernon
- Metro 9 Condos Somerville
- Metropolitan
- Millennium Place Boston
- Millennium Tower
- Mosaic Condos Boston
- NorthPoint Lofts Cambridge
- Nouvelle Natick
- Old Ritz Carlton
- One Charles
- One First
- One Harbor Shore Drive
- Parkside Residences
- Parris Landing Charlestown
- Penniman On The Park
- Pier 4 Condos
- Pierce Boston Condos
- Point 262 Condominiums
- Port45 South Boston
- Raffles Residences and Hotel
- Regatta Riverview
- Repton Place Watertown
- Residences At 566 Columbus
- Ritz Carlton
- River Court Cambridge
- Riverbank Lofts Watertown
- Rollins Square
- Rowes Wharf
- Saint James Place
- Saybrook Condos Brighton
- Seville Boston Harbor
- Slip 45 East Boston
- Slip 65 East Boston
- Somerset
- South Station Tower Residences
- St. Regis Residences
- Stadia 50
- Symphony Court Fenway
- Telford180
- Terrazza Wellesley
- The Aberdeen Brighton
- The Boulevard Condos
- The Brook Cambridge
- The Ceinture
- The Claflin
- The Clarendon
- The Cosmopolitan South End
- The Edgerly
- The Henry Fenway
- The Lucas South End
- The Mandarin Oriental
- The Marc
- The Mark East Boston
- The Mezz
- The Muse Fort Point
- The Neponset Quincy
- The Parker Condos
- The Pathmark Cambridge
- The Sudbury
- The Whitwell
- Tilia Jamaica Plain
- Towers of Chestnut Hill
- Tremont On The Common
- Trinity Place
- Tudor
- Twenty Two Liberty
- University Green
- W Boston
- Wilkes Passage Lofts
- Winthrop Center Tower
- Zero Marlborough
Luxury Apartment Buildings
- 1 Back Bay
- 100 Pier 4
- 11 West Broadway
- 1330 Boylston Street
- 1515 Commonwealth
- 180 Beacon Street
- 212 Stuart Apartments
- 28 Exeter Street
- 285 Columbus Lofts
- 30 Dalton
- 315 on A
- 319 A Street Lofts
- 345 Harrison
- 360 Newbury St
- 39 A Street
- 50 Liberty Seaport
- 50 West Broadway
- 77 Court Condos
- 7Ink Boston
- 839 Beacon
- 99 Tremont Oak Square
- Addison Apartments East Boston
- Alloy Condos
- Archer Beacon Hill
- Atelier 505
- Avalon At Exeter
- Bartlett Station Roxbury
- Battery Wharf
- Belvedere
- Brio Hingham Shipyard
- Bryant Back bay
- Burroughs Wharf
- Cadence on Leo
- Cambridge Luxury
- Cambridge Park
- Canal Park Cambridge
- Charlesgate East
- Church Park
- Colonnade
- Completed Transactions
- Copley
- Copley Luxury
- Court Square Press Lofts
- Echelon Seaport Boston
- Flats On D
- Folio
- Four Seasons
- Four Seasons One Dalton
- FP3 Lofts
- Gables Seaport
- Gateway Apartments Fenway
- Grandview
- Hancock Estates Chestnut Hill
- Harbor Towers
- Heritage
- Hub50House
- Ink Block
- Intercontinental
- Kendall Square Luxury
- Kenmore Tower
- Kensington Boston
- Laconia Lofts
- Landmark
- Lewis Wharf
- Longwood Towers
- Lovejoy Wharf Condominiums
- Luka On The Common
- Lumen Charlestown
- Macallen Building
- Mastlight Apartments Weymouth
- Metropolitan
- Midtown Luxury
- Millennium Place Boston
- Millennium Tower
- MIT Luxury
- Modera Natick Center
- Mosaic Condos Boston
- Navy Yard Luxury
- Nema Boston Seaport
- NorthPoint Lofts Cambridge
- Nouvelle Natick
- One Charles
- One First
- One Greenway Place
- Park 151 Cambridge
- Parkside Residences
- Parris Landing Charlestown
- Pierce Boston Condos
- Point 262 Condominiums
- Port45 South Boston
- Portside East Boston
- Radian Boston
- Regatta Riverview
- Ritz Carlton
- River Court Cambridge
- River Park Lofts Watertown
- Rowes Wharf
- Saybrook Condos Brighton
- Seaport
- Seville Boston Harbor
- Short Term Rental
- Slip 45 East Boston
- Somerset
- South End Loft
- St. Regis Residences
- Sudbury Boston Apartments
- Symphony Court Fenway
- Telford180
- The Aberdeen Brighton
- The Alyx Boston Seaport
- The Andi
- The Arlington
- The Benjamin Seaport Apartments
- The Boulevard Condos
- The Brook Cambridge
- The Calvin Brookline
- The Clarendon
- The Cosmopolitan South End
- The Devonshire Apartments
- The Edgerly
- The Girard Apartments
- The Lofts at Atlantic Wharf
- The Lucas South End
- The Mandarin Oriental
- The Mark East Boston
- The Muse Fort Point
- The Parker Condos
- The Victor
- The Whitwell
- Towers of Chestnut Hill
- Tremont On The Common
- Trinity Place
- Troy Boston Apartments
- Twenty 20 Apartments
- Twenty Two Liberty
- Via Seaport Boston
- Watermark Boston Seaport
- Watermark Cambridge
- Waterside Place
- West End Apartments Boston
- West Square Apartments
- Wilkes Passage Lofts
- Winthrop Center Tower
- Zero Marlborough
- Zinc Apartments Cambridge
Content © 2024 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.
The information in this listing was gathered from third party resources including the seller and public records. Listing information provided courtesy of Kaitlyn Attfield of Atlantic Assoc. Real Estate. MLS Property Information Network, Inc. and its subscribers disclaim any and all representations or warranties as to the accuracy of this information.
The information in this listing was gathered from third party resources including the seller and public records. Listing information provided courtesy of Kaitlyn Attfield of Atlantic Assoc. Real Estate. MLS Property Information Network, Inc. and its subscribers disclaim any and all representations or warranties as to the accuracy of this information.
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